Saturday, November 5, 2011

final paper:)

Salma Torres
Ms. Jaeger
World Geography (section 1)
November 5, 2011

In every corner there these little neighborhoods, and hundreds of people live there, well those little places are called slums. Slums are little places where poor people live or that they just don’t have the resources to live in other places, but also slums affect the community and the country they are in. Slums negatively affect human populations through unsanitary living conditions, high disease rates, and overcrowded living space. Living in slums has a lot of problems and one of those in the unsanitary living.

In slums there is a lot of unsanitary things, but it is not just from one part, slums exist all over the world and the people can probably think that all of the world can be unsanitary know. According to source 2 “And you can smell. A few steps into Kibera, we encounter brown-green water flowing through an open ditch.”(Source 2, Fink). The people can see that practically in every slum the living conditions and unsanitary will be the same. In the slums there are a lot of unsanitary things, not just the water or the smell, but also all the trash that is in the streets and other things. But unsanitary things are not the only thing slums have, it also have a lot of disease cause by the unsanitary living conditions.

Almost all of the diseases in slums can be cause by the unsanitary living conditions people live in, and also that if they get sick, they cannot afford to pay for medications. In source 3 they give us some examples “There are public toilets and water taps, but sanitation is poor with open sewers along the alleyways.”(Source 3-open sewers.). The unsanitary things that the people in slums have are pretty bad and that may be the cause of the diseases. Like Nils Blythe says that is how they live the people may think that that is the cause of all the disease in the slums, but it can be true that people only gets sick because of the type of things they live in and how they live and eat. Apart from the unsanitary living conditions, and the disease there is also other things a slum can cause an one of those things are overcrowded living conditions.

How they live in slums can be really bad apart for the unsanitary living is also because it is really over crowded where they live and how many people they can have living in the same place. Already these slums are huge. According to Mike, author of the planet of slums, “nearly 80% of the Nigeria’s urban population, or some 41.6 million people, live in slums.”(Source 4) A lot of people live in slums and it can increase over the years. In the world of slums there is a lot of people, and it can be increasing over the years and that can cause that the community the slums are in can have more trash and can be more unsanitary living places. It can also mean that know that more of the population already live in slums instead of cities or regular houses. A lot of things happen in slums like the unsanitary things, diseases, and the overcrowded area they live in.

In every corner there these little neighborhoods, and hundreds of people live there, well those little places are called slums. Slums negatively affect human populations through unsanitary living conditions, high disease rates, and overcrowded living space. In slums exist a lot of diseases, that they may be cause by the unsanitary living conditions people in slums live in, but also from the overcrowded are and how when someone gets sick everyone else can also get sick, because they are a lot of people living in slums. There are people living in slums that they may actually don’t want to be there but they most likely do not have a choice but to live there.
Work cited
BBC NEWS | Business | Mumbai's Slum Life Poses World Problem." BBC News - Home. Ed. Nils Blythe. BBC News, 26 Feb. 2008. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. <>.
"Cities of the Poor 1: Life in the Slums (Kenya)." Interview by Sheri Fink. Public Radio International: The World. BBC News, 18 Dec. 2006. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. <>.
"Two Billion Slum Dwellers -" Information for the World's Business Leaders - Ed. Elisabeth Eaves. 6 Nov. 2006. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. <>.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

MLA Citation

Work cited
BBC NEWS | Business | Mumbai's Slum Life Poses World Problem." BBC News - Home. Ed. Nils Blythe. BBC News, 26 Feb. 2008. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. <>.
"Cities of the Poor 1: Life in the Slums (Kenya)." Interview by Sheri Fink. Public Radio International: The World. BBC News, 18 Dec. 2006. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. <>.
"Two Billion Slum Dwellers -" Information for the World's Business Leaders - Ed. Elisabeth Eaves. 6 Nov. 2006. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. <>.

Rough Draft

In every corner there these little neighborhoods, and hundreds of people live there, well those little places are called slums. Slums are little places where poor people live or that they just don’t have the resources to live in other places, but also slums affect the community and the country they are in. Slums negatively affect human populations through unsanitary living conditions, high disease rates, and overcrowded living space. Living in slums has a lot of problems and one of those in the unsanitary living.

In slums there is a lot of unsanitary things, but it is not just from one part, slums exist all over the world and the people can probably think that all of the world can be unsanitary know. “And you can smell. A few steps into Kibera, we encounter brown-green water flowing through an open ditch.”(Source 2, Fink). The people can see that practically in every slum the living conditions and unsanitary will be the same. In the slums there are a lot of unsanitary things, not just the water or the smell, but also all the trash that is in the streets and other things. But unsanitary things are not the only thing slums have, it also have a lot of disease cause by the unsanitary living conditions.

Almost all of the diseases in slums can be cause by the unsanitary living conditions people live in, and also that if they get sick, they cannot afford to pay for medications. ”There are public toilets and water taps, but sanitation is poor with open sewers along the alleyways.”(Source 3-open sewers.). The unsanitary things that the people in slums have are pretty bad and that may be the cause of the diseases. Like Nils Blythe says that is how they live the people may think that that is the cause of all the disease in the slums, but it can be true that people only gets sick because of the type of things they live in and how they live and eat. Apart from the unsanitary living conditions, and the disease there is also other things a slum can cause an one of those things are overcrowded living conditions.
How they live in slums can be really bad apart for the unsanitary living is also because it is really over crowded where they live and how many people they can have living in the same place. Already these slums are huge. According to Mike, author of the planet of slums, “nearly 80% of the Nigeria’s urban population, or some 41.6 million people, live in slums.”(Source 4) A lot of people live in slums and it can increase over the years. In the world of slums there is a lot of people, and it can be increasing over the years and that can cause that the community the slums are in can have more trash and can be more unsanitary living places. It can also mean that know that more of the population already live in slums instead of cities or regular houses. A lot of things happen in slums like the unsanitary things, diseases, and the overcrowded area they live in.

In every corner there these little neighborhoods, and hundreds of people live there, well those little places are called slums. Slums negatively affect human populations through unsanitary living conditions, high disease rates, and overcrowded living space. In slums exist a lot of diseases, that they may be cause by the unsanitary living conditions people in slums live in, but also from the overcrowded are and how when someone gets sick everyone else can also get sick, because they are a lot of people living in slums. There are people living in slums that they may actually don’t want to be there but they most likely do not have a choice but to live there.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


In every corner there these little neighborhoods, and hundreds of people live there, well those little places are called slums.
Slums are little places where poor people live or that they just don’t have the resources to live in other places, but also slums affect the community and the country they are in.
Slums negatively affect human populations through unsanitary living conditions, high disease rates, and overcrowded living space.
Living in slums has a lot of problems and one of those in the unsanitary living.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


Hook-In every corner there these little neighborhoods, and hundreds of people live there, well those little places are called slums.
Introduce-Slums are little places where poor people live or that they just don’t have the resources to live in other places, but also slums affect the community and the country they are in.
Thesis-Slums negatively affect human populations through unsanitary living conditions, high disease rates, and overcrowded living space.
Transition-Living in slums has a lot of problems and one of those in the unsanitary living.

Paragraph 1
Topic sentence-In slums there is a lot of unsanitary thing, but it is not just from one part, slums exist all over the world and  the people can probably think that all of the world can be unsanitary know.
Supporting evidence-I. “And you can smell. A few steps into Kibera, we encounter brown-green water flowing through an open ditch.”(Source 2, Fink)II. The people can see that practically in every slum the living conditions and unsanitary will be the same.
Explanation- In the slums there are a lot of unsanitary things, not just the water or the smell, but also all the trash that is in the streets and other things.
Transition-But unsanitary things are not the only thing slums have, it also have a lot of disease cause by the unsanitary living conditions.

Paragraph 2
Topic Sentence-Almost all of the diseases in slums can be cause by the unsanitary living conditions people live in, and also that if they get sick, they cannot afford to pay for medications.
Supporting evidence-I.”There are public toilets and water taps, but sanitation is poor with open sewers along the alleyways.”(Source 3-open sewers.)II. The unsanitary that the people in slums have is pretty bad and that may be the cause of the diseases.
 Explanation-Like Nils Blythe says that is how they live the people may think that that is the cause of all the disease in the slums, but it can be true that people only gets sick because of the type of things they live in and how they live and eat.
Transition-Apart from the unsanitary living conditions, and the disease there is also other things a slum can cause an one of those things are overcrowded living conditions.

Paragraph 3
Topic sentence-How they live in slums can be really bad apart for the unsanitary living is also because it is really over crowded where they live and how many people they can have living in the same place.
Supporting Evidence-I.”Already these slums are huge. According to Mike, author of the planet of slums, nearly 80% of the Nigeria’s urban population, or some 41.6 million people, live in slums.”II.A lot of people live in slums and it can increase over the years.
Explanation-In the world of slums there is a lot of people, and it can be increasing over the years and that can cause that the community the slums are in can have more trash and can be more unsanitary living places. It can also mean that know that more of the population already live in slums instead of cities or regular houses.
Transition-A lot of things happen in slums like the unsanitary things, diseases, and the overcrowded area they live in.

Hook- In every corner there these little neighborhoods, and hundreds of people live there, well those little places are called slums.
 Thesis-Slums negatively affect human populations through unsanitary living conditions, high disease rates, and overcrowded living space.
Summary-In slums exist a lot of diseases, that they may be cause by the unsanitary living conditions people in slums live in, but also from the overcrowded are and how when someone gets sick everyone else can also get sick, because they are a lot of people living in slums.
The End-There are people living in slums that they may actually don’t want to be there but they most likely do not have a choice but to live there.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What are slums and how does the existence of the slums affects human population around the world?

Thesis Statement

Slums negatively affect human populations through unsanitary living conditions high disease rates, and over crowded living space.